Pursuing Palestine
News out of Israel doesn’t match the truth of Palestine. Palestine and Israel: lands of beauty, power, and history. Palestinians: people displaced and terrorized who seek survival and a home in their ancestral country. In 2017 I visited Israel for two weeks. It wasn’t until the end of the trip that I started asking about Palestine. These photographs are vehicles to learn about the everyday Palestinian’s connection to the land, place, history, people and much more.
This project received support from the North Carolina Arts Council, an agency funded by the State of North Carolina, the Burke Arts Council, the Caldwell Arts Council, the United Arts Council of Catawba Country, the Rock School Arts Foundation, the Hiddenite Center, and McDowell Arts Council association.
Noelle Rasmussen. Pursuing Palestine. 2019. Original Anthotype, Lumen, Gum Bichromate, Cyanotype, and Silver Gelatin Images. Hickory, NC, USA.
Click on an image to view a larger version and hover over the larger version for image details.
10% of all sales will go to the Augusta Victoria Hospital in Jerusalem through the Lutheran World Federation (lutheranworld.org/content/jerusalem/donate).
Individual price (CAD): Matted (16” X 20”) - $125.00 +shipping or Framed (16” X 20”) - $125.00 +shipping,
To purchase, please contact the artist.